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My journey with sound


"The sessions starts. I close my eyes. Hands on my instrument or no instrument at all. There is nothing. I open my channel. There is nothing. And that split second before I plunge into the darkness with no security net, I start to sing. All it takes is one note, or one word, or one sentence that suddenly comes like a flash of lightning into my awareness as I am in the big nothing. I sing that note and it carries me- supported by the winds of the soul I take flight. It takes all my courage and trust to sing like that. Into the nothing, with no idea what will come- with so many eyes and ears watching and listening. To begin means the channelling starts- the song transmission happens and as the winds of the soul carry the songs, there is a great sense of fulfillment. A great sense of love, of us- of this existence and what is unnamable and is beyond. There is the feeling of being free."

My clients often ask afterwards me "what song did you sing?" 


In every class, for every group, in every private session, whenever I sing for somebody, it is a song and sound transmission that is birthed right in that moment. The songs, the sounds and words that flow through me are received right in that moment of time and very often I do not recall/remember what I have sung.


Some have called this "Channeling". Whatever it might be, I allow myself to open to my own soul/my superconsciousness/my higher self/source- whatever name you may give it- and then I allow my voice to sing what is received. This means that most of these songs are not recorded because they spring forth from the moment and very often there is no recording device around :) But when the time comes I will add more songs to the Download section of this website. You can sign up for my newsletter where I would post news like this.

And now more about how it all started:


I have a very clear memory of myself as a small child: I was sitting on the grass, looking at the night sky and I sang songs. I sang for the moon, I sang for the sky, I sang for the earth, the trees..I sang for everything.

Intuitive words and sounds emerged and I loved it. I loved it so much and I was absolutely free.

Growing up I had much shame around my voice, it was my biggest love but also it was of course an expression of who I truly was, it was like sharing my soul with people- and I didn't feel safe sharing that. So I stopped for a long period of time until after having completed my studies in arts & design I ended up in a big marketing agency. One day I was humming a little song while I was absorbed working at a project. And I was heard by someone who recommended me to someone else- I ended up in a recording studio with a contract as singer & songwriter. That was an amazing time of my life and I loved writing music. 

There were major changes in my personal life and a big loss and suddenly I was pregnant and retreated into a different phase- a never ending phase- being a mom of a wonderful being. And then my second child came into my life and I was happy.

And on one sunny day I stumbled over a woman on the Internet and she had this interesting white bowl in her hands and tapped it and - WOW! I was blown away. What is that? How can I find out more? Well this white bowl was of course a crystal singing bowl, and this moment started my journey into the art of healing music and healing instruments. Because when I played my first crystal singing bowls and I sang with them I heard so many frequencies- it sounded like a choir of angels. And there was a voice and still is- singing with me, in perfect harmony. It depends on the surrounding but I know it is always there, singing with me. I remember washing the dishes one evening and I heard a beautiful choir out of nowhere - and I hope to be able to hear these sounds and voices even more as my life progresses and I evolve. 


A short while later I purchased a shrutibox- an old instrument made in India, and when I sang with it - again: there was this choir, there were these frequencies, and I was connected. And I felt like a child again, absolutely free. And I loved it, I loved it so much! 

So working with the medicine of sound is deeply healing for myself, it helps me transit and flow through life with more ease and grace than I ever thought possible. Once the sound opens up these little locks inside of you and you start to be more of your true self your life will become a nicer ride. I am glad to be of service through sound by offering my songs, hosting sound meditations, sound healing sessions and soundbaths for you.


Check out the beautiful photo gallery from collected sound memories over time below!

With love, 

Verena Magdalena

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